Friday, November 24, 2006

Old folks home should not be in isolated places.

Singapore is one of the many nations that are aging at a rapid rate. And there are a lot of talks about the need to free up more lands to build more old age homes for the senior citizens. I think this is not correct.

The senior citizens should not be build separately away from the bustling areas. In order to keep the senior citizens sharp and not be forgotten, such homes should be built within the housing estates. If it is possible to build kindergartens and child care centres amongst the blocks of apartments, it is also equally possible to build such centres for the aged.

In some cases, what is needed is a day care facility for those aged and staying with their families. The facility should cater for these senior citizens by having the proper healthcare advisors and provide the aged with some activities.

In other cases, a facility can be built to cater for those that need to stay in and be cared for. If the government can build multi-level car parks, they can also build some low level buildings for the aged to stay in. Infact, they can convert some four-storey apartments into homes for the aged. These can be managed by various groups including the private sector.

The aged could be let out to sit around and watch the children play, interact with others in the housing estate, help keep watch on children, other apartments, etc. The main benefit is that these people are not segregated from society but are integrated into the daily life and actitvities of each housing estate. For those that are infirmed, they may get more visitors from the housing estate people especially from students who may volunteer freely because they do not have to go far to do any volunteer work.

The government should review their plans for the aged and change according to the times. It is no longer true that the aged are all infirmed and senile. Many are able to live fruitful life and they can continue to contribute to society in many ways.


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