Friday, December 15, 2006

Charge for the plastic bags

I agree enthusiastically with those that are asking for shops to charge all users for the plastic bags that the shops current provide without any fee. I agree because it makes good sense. There are too many people throwing things all over the place without a care.

While Singapore is still in better condition than Malaysia or other places, it must arrest the situation before it gets out of hand. The government is eschewing education. I agree too. But it should also do more. If the town councils are already charging higher rates for more rubbish, it is also possible to charge for the plastic bags which will end up in the dump trucks. Education is good but already, it can be seen that education is not working out. So, while we want to dangle a carrot, we should also dangle a penalty to ensure that there is suitable punishment for an unwanted behaviour.

And the plastic bags are a worst environment culprit than many other items. A plastic bag is not easily biodegradable and it can cost many marine creatures to suffer especially the turtles.